Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Janine Antoni Response

I find the performance aspect of Antoni's work to be truly genius. It seems she generates pretty basic ideas such as falling and by experimenting with her performance arrives at unique and beautiful work.  By incorporating things such as her body into her work as both a tool and canvas she remains very involved in the process. In her work such as Eureka, I was initially astonished as to how she carved the human body using the negative space, but to see that she in-fact dipped her whole body into a tub of lard, and then with the help of cables pulled out; showed how performance can not only change the ascetics of a piece but also alter the message received. Within documenting the performance of all her own work, Antoni, is still able to display her performance as well as the final product. I also found it inspiring how for her film Touch, she went to the extent of learning to walk on a tight rope simply for the performance of creating the illusion that Antoni, was walking on the horizon in her film.

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