Sunday, October 5, 2014


Materials used:
-Guitar String 
-Cork board

The memory that inspired my piece is jamming and playing music in a buddy of mines old band room. Sometimes referred to as the Treehouse, it was a little compact room on top of a pool shed stuffed back in the woods and the only way in was to climb a latter through the floor. It was in this space I learned to become a musician. Since then I pick up the guitar everyday so I knew I wanted to use guitar strings in my piece. The cork is meant to mimic the "Treehouse" vibe. I wanted to stack the cork to show how the space was off ground and the cork on top imitates the slanted walls. The glass, like our memory is only a fragment of what was actually there and also represent the slight hazardous environment. The strings are used in a way to show the expression and sort of freedom the room aloud for regardless of its limiting size.

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