Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29 Responses

-"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale"

The body is the individual being, therefor when relating size, one always acts in comparison to ones self. To a 7 ft tall basketball player the 10 ft rim is merely a arm extension, away versus the 4 ft 7in 10 yr old boy who can hardly reach half way. This also explains why sometimes when we see a picture, its hard to know the size, unless compared to an object recognizable in size.

-"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experiences"

Its easier for our minds to see and object, and remember an emotion experienced with that object, than it is for one to completely recall a memory. That object also exists throughout time, from the time the memory happened to the time you recall the memory, therefor was part of the experience.

-"Nostalgia cannot be sustained without loss"

I believe for nostalgia to be sustained more specifically with change, and not necessarily just loss. You could maybe gain a little brother but still be nostalgic about the quite old peaceful days around the house. But then you could look at it as losing peace and quite in the house, so i think it really comes down to how you choose to look at it.

Reading response 9/29

After having read The Tokens, we see how small seemingly meaningless items can embody memories specific to individuals. As human beings our brain constantly is processing thousands of bits of information at a time, therefor our brain must filter through all this to attempt and save important information and toss the rest. I think these items serve as Tokens because its easier for our brain to see an object associated with a memory and recognize the emotions stored away with this memory, rather than it is to completely recall a memory and emotion off your head. I did however find it rather shameful that many of the tokens were seized from the children, considering that was a small puzzle piece of where they came from embodied with a story.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Relief Architecture

Inspiration Photos:
Neolithic Architecture

Medieval Architecture

Final Solution

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Elements & Principles

1. Organic Line

2. Rectilinear Line

                                                                          Organic Shape

  1. Geometric Shape

  1. Scale (show a difference in size)


  1. Asymmetry

  1. Repitition

  1. Actual Texture

  1. Simulated Texture